
Monthly Archives: January 2013

1) I just found out that my husband thinks I moisturize my boobs. We had a good laugh over it. And then I thought, “Wait, is this something girls actually do?” So I messaged my friend and she confirmed that she did it. So now I wonder,… have I been missing out all these years? Are my boobs arid like the desert?

2) So I waxed my vag earlier this month. It’s been a while and so I didn’t quite remember what to expect in terms of regrowth. Yes, I remembered hair grew back approximately around week 3. But I do not remember it being so patchy! It’s like a Asian man during Movember down there. Yikes! So after much debating about whether I should wait til I have at least 1/4″ regrowth all around or whether I should just take off the sparse jungle I have down there, I finally booked a waxing appointment for next week. Hopefully the aesthetician won’t kick me out for some of my tiny baby hairs.

3) I’m normally a dress/skirt kinda gal. I love wearing heels and showing em off. And what better way to do so than in a cute dress? But lately I’ve been craving a good pair of skinny pants. I think I own like 2 pairs I wear on a semi-regular basis. And like 1 pair of jeans. So should I give in and buy some pants? Or is this just a phase?

4) Wait, do girls also moisturize their area? Is this a thing too that I’ve been missing out on? Can someone fill me in?


Decided to keep curling my hair, this time with my clipless iron instead. Finally figured out how to work it.

I’m wearing:
Skirt & sweater from Aritzia
Tights from Ardene
Scarf from Le Château
Shoes from Joneve like 3 or 4 years ago


Look how cute I am today! I tried curling my hair (which has already fallen flat) and a little red lipstick. I look like an overgrown Shirley Temple. But whatever.

I’m wearing:

Aritzia Exeter Blazer
Necklace: Wishbone
YSL Red Muse lipstick
Random Sephora headband
Geisha Ink liquid eyeliner


How cute was I last Wednesday? Loving the good girl vibe with my top, sweater and skirt. And the edgier vibe of my shoes and tights. Lately I’ve been upping my socks/tights game. I bought a few patterned tights in black and in beige from Sears, Ardenes, etc. A couple opaque ones too. Also some thigh highs for the retro vibe. Just placed an order with sock dreams too for some hopefully super cute socks.

Also been trying to wear my bangs before they grow out. Already covering too much of my eyes. I’m debating getting them trimmed or just growing them out altogether.


Bought this dirty rose nail polish a couple years ago when I felt like I needed more mature colours in my collection. That phase lasted one manicure and then I regained my sanity. I chose this shade to wear to a 1930s themed party tonight. I figured the rose shade would be appropriate and I have a close matching lipstick. This polish is a cream which is a nice break from the glitters I was getting sick of. I did two coats and was tempted to do a third but passed since I only plan to wear this for a short while.


With Pantone’s 2013 Color of the Year being Emerald, I thought it fitting to have my latest NOTD to be SpaRitual’s Emerald City.

The colour is slightly more blue than is shown in the picture above. I find it leans a bit turquoise rather than a true emerald. It’s a beautiful colour which feels more spring than dead of winter. But that’s a good thing – reminds me that the dreary weather isn’t here to stay.

What you see in the above picture is 3 coats (and base & top coat) and 3 days of tip wear. Emerald City is a jelly finish with no discernable shimmer/glitter. It’s just a straight jelly which is refreshing for me. I think I OD’ed on glitter over the holidays and need a bit of a metaphorical cleanse from it. This should do the trick just fine.



With the holidays now over, I’m weaning myself off of the glitter train with butter LONDON’s Disco Biscuit which is a hot pink jelly with tiny blue micro-shimmer.

This nail polish was a doozy because it required four coats to get 85% opacity and I still have visible nail line. It also desperately wants a top coat for two reasons: the texture is grittier than expected and the blue shimmer doesn’t really show up quite as well without it.

Nonetheless, I still love this polish because the colour is just so pretty and cheerful. And I need as much cheering up as I can get with all the depressing Vancouver weather we’ve been having lately.

Photo taken immediately following my 1st waxing

Photo taken immediately following my 1st waxing

The other day, I was cleaning out the stuff out my old childhood bedroom and found an old photograph of my best friend and I, taken immediately after we had our first waxing: Brazilians, because if you’re gonna do it, you can’t be half-assed about it. Looking at the picture made me wistful for not only the good old days when I didn’t know better, but also for a nice, hair-free and super-smooth lady part.

So I finally took the plunge again after a seven/eight year hiatus and waxed it all off. After years of shaving my nether regions to save money, I decided I was making enough money to afford waxing again. The cost hasn’t gone up much in my absence which is a relief. Still approximately $50.

Being lazy, I just booked at the place nearest where I live which happened to be Brava Salon & Spa in Brentwood Mall. So after work this week, I splayed myself open for a middle-aged Eastern European lady who got more intimate with me and my bits than most of my college boyfriends ever ventured. (Side note: why is it that most waxing ladies I’ve ever encountered have turned out to be Eastern European?)

There were a few things I noticed were amiss during the appointment. Mainly, my aesthetician never asked me to really spread my legs to get into the hard to get to places. I had my doubts about whether she was being very thorough, but I told myself not to say anything because I didn’t want to question her. She, after all, did this for a living and I had been 8 years out of the game.

Also, I had a towel folded over my area like instructed but when my waxing lady came in, she immediately took off the towel and I was completely exposed, never to be covered by that towel again for the rest of our session.

Finally, I also have to say about my waxing lady at Brava Salon: She kept chastising me for shaving. Yes, of course I know that shaving isn’t the best thing to do to my lady bits. I know about ingrown hairs, coarser hair, etc. But when given the choice that and a hairy bush, I’m taking a razor to it. And it’s fine to say once or twice about how it’s not good to shave. But she kept harping on and on about it like it was the worse thing I’ve ever done (which, if it was true, would make me a Saint! I could go down as the first Saint in history to have a hairless vag!) She even went so far as to tell me my vag hair was the worse she’s ever seen on an Asian girl. Way to make me feel bad about myself, lady. However, I do give it to my aesthetician that she was very patient with waxing my area and then going back over it with tweezers for a good twenty minutes afterwards.

Anyway, after paying and tipping, I went home to check out her work in the privacy of my bathroom. I immediately noticed that she left some noticeable patches of hair. I knew I should have said something about why she wasn’t asking me to help spread myself. Given, I know it’s not the most pleasant job in the world to have as an aesthetician but I’m surprised at how much hair she left behind even after going at me with tweezers. (My God, how much was left behind pre-tweezing?) With a handheld mirror, I spent fifteen minutes cleaning myself up properly going to town on my stray pubes.

A few thoughts about waxing in general and Brazilians specifically:

  • The pain from having my hair ripped out of my skin wasn’t as bad as I was anticipating. If anything, the hot wax was more bothersome to me and I honestly felt like I might have been burned during the process (my skin was okay).
  • There is a world of difference between a waxed vag vs one that’s been closely shaved. The smoothness just doesn’t compare.
  • The order of most painful area to least: the mons, folds around the clit, labia, bum hole. Amazingly, you feel absolutely no pain at the bum hole.
  • Having a bare area makes me feel like I’ve got an awesome super-sexy secret and makes me feel more awesome and even super-sexier than I do on a daily basis!


It’s not so easy trying to do bedhead and navigating the fine line between sexily messy and just plain unkempt. Today we fall towards the unkempt side of things. Unluckily I have a hair clip. Any tips to achieving the perfect bedhead?